Date Type Title Focus Speakers
6 Feb Workshop London “Industrial Strategy for HardTech Manufacturing” Members’ feedback as basis for a report by Civitas Think Tank to Govt Policy heads and Bessemer members
19 Mar Dinner London “Celebration of Driving the Electric Revolution” A showcase of the best in Power Electronics, Motors and Drives Innovate UK
2 Apr Dinner Sheffield “Defence and Re-Industrialisation: Innovation at war-time pace” Drawing the metal alloys and innovation communities together to deliver at pace Leaders of the Sheffield Metals Cluster, MoD, and Bessemer innovators
9 Apr WebDinAr “National Champions” Open innovation strategies of leading domestic companies Rolls-Royce, TATA, BP, Johnson Matthey, Airbus and others
30 Apr Dinner Cardiff “A Re-Industrial Revolution in South Wales” Stimulating regional assets, including the compound semiconductor value chain, fomented by a startup culture Advanced manufacturing leaders and innovation change-agents
15 May Dinner London “Hardship and Recovery Stories” Inspiring stories of coming out of administration to start anew Bessemer veterans who have earned the stripes
4 Jun Dinner Sheffield “Re-tooling the North” Injecting a flow of ideas, knowhow, talent and investment Innovation leaders from Golden Triangle, Manchester and Sheffield
3 Jul Showcase London “HardTech Conference and Investor Showcase” Theme of Resilience and Security – Economic, Energy, Defence Plenary Conference Speakers, break out room panellists, investor pitches
18 Sep Dinner London “Product Market Fit” Advice on how to reach customers sooner Bessemer members and mentors
2 Oct Dinner Durham “North East Region’s Re-Industrial Capabilities” The repositioning and strengthening of critical industrial assets Local leaders and game-changers
16 Oct Dinner London “New Entrepreneurs” Shortlisted candidates pitch for the Bessemer Award and sponsorship rewards Bessemer new entrepreneur success cases
26 Nov Dinner London “10th AGM and Awards Evening” Lifetime Fellowship and New Entrepreneur Awards VIP guest and other luminaries

The format of a meeting

Meetings typically comprise:

Short Presentations by Members
Drinks and networking

Event Payment

Alternatively please transfer money online to the Bessemer Society’s bank account by BACS transfer:

Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-60-38
Account number: 23051609

Please advise by email if you would like a receipt.

NB: By private invitation only. Contact admin@bessemer-society.co.uk for further information.